Live webinar from yesterday 29.01.23 / DETAILS
Dear members,
Thank you very much for your interest and especially for the positive feedback on the content of the webinar. We are very happy about that.
As announced, here are the slides on the adaptation of the memberships to the soon to be completed realities. We are talking about the implementation of the (partially) automated marketing, which brings the overall concept into the START position.
For our English-speaking members there is an extra call, IF NEEDED! I ask for notification via Telegram.
We strongly recommend making the proposed adjustments (whichever of them) and thereby ensuring that the membership can thereby reap the full benefits.
For ALL those who were not able to attend the webinar, we also strongly recommend watching the video. We have just uploaded this, with content and timestamp details, to be seen below the video. As already announced, there will be no further (advertising, persuasion) or other measures in this regard.
We are committed to the proposed upgrade offers until 2/15/2013.
Should there be any uncertainties, I will be happy to clarify this in a one-on-one call, as I have done in the past. For this, a short message to me (gladly also via Telegram) with keyword-like description of the “problem”.
We have solved “yesterday” almost all problems, we will also solve “today” almost all problems and we will not have such a comparable situation in the future, because then we have completed the conception as it was planned from the beginning.
Here are the most important slides for you to read:
And for safety once again:
ALL who (for whatever reason) do NOT respond by 02/15/2013 will remain unchanged and we will continue to manually manage the existing membership. If there are any upgrades in the future, the rules of the current memberships will be applied.
Best regards