Dear Members,
Following the well-attended “Starter Webinar for Trainee and Kick-Off No. 1-4” yesterday (thank you for your active participation and thanks for more than 35 participants), the absence of the Trainee membership (monthly and yearly) in the Membership section of the Marketplace was rightfully addressed. In response, we have reintegrated both options into the Marketplace.
Feel free to review the respective conditions at your convenience.
Please note that the promotional versions, along with their corresponding benefits, can be found in the Dashboard under Kick-Off Promos 2+3.
We wish ALL of you continued MAXIMUM SUCCESS!
Best regards,
Ralf and
all T4 Teams
Vielen Dank!
Super Danke
Danke für die Info und die schnelle Reaktion!
Herzlichen Dank für eure positiven Rückmeldungen! Ihr könnt sicher sein, dass wir kontinuierlich an der Effizienz arbeiten und stets Optimierungen vornehmen!
Genießt es und erreicht MAXIMALEN ERFOLG!