Room open/Webinar Series/Part 4
Hello dear members
Easter is over, now it continues!
On Thursday until Sunday an important webinar series starts.
Important for all new members and currently important for ALL.
Start in each case 20.00 o’clock German time or 13.00 o’clock Cancún time.
Thursday: Title: The T4 Project Part 1: A First Brief Overview
Friday: Title: The T4 Project Part 2: How exactly does the EPP work?
What can be counted on?
Your (upgrade) way to the top with T4 Pro.
Saturday: Title: Earn at least 6 figures in the first year with T4-Pro.
A basic webinar on marketing and sales.
Sunday: Title: Questions and answers on all topics from webinars 1, 2 + 3.
So if any questions come up, take note and get them answered on Sunday!
Here are the links:
Thursday, 4/21/22, 8pm Berlin:
Friday, 4/22-22, 8:00pm Berlin:
Saturday, 4/23/22, 8:00pm Berlin:
Sunday, 4/24/22, 8:00 p.m. Berlin:
The links to the webinars will be listed again under “Webinar Dates”.
All members and especially trial members are eligible to participate!