Affiliate Dashboard update
Hi all,
maybe you have noticed already, but in case you haven´t, I would like to introduce to you an addition to our Affiliate Dashboard called “Referral Archive“. You can find it by going to your Affiliate Dashboard and clicking on “Referral Archive” under “Actions”.
To access the Referral Archive click here.
The Referral Archive looks like this:
You will see all of your Referrals listed, including Level 2 and 3.
Under “Reference” you will find the order number and if applicable which level the referral has, ie. 2, 3, 4 or 5. If your referral is a direct referral there will be no level indicated.
Under “Status” you will see whether the Referral is “Paid, Unpaid, Pending, or Rejected”.
A quick explanation to the different Statuses:
“Paid” = The referral has been paid out.
“Unpaid” = The referral is waiting to be paid out.
“Pending” = The order that created the referral is waiting for Payment.
“Rejected” = The order that created the referral has not been paid. If your partner has paid and it is marked “Rejected” anyway, please let your partner know to contact us so we can fix the problem.
We hope this little Update to our Affiliate Dashboard provides more transparency and helps you understand where your referrals come from.
For your direct referrals you can also check “Order Details” to see what your partner has bought.
Great add on to the website!
thank you Sam, thats my opinion too!