Update 309-1
Easter Schedule
Dear members,I would like to give you an overview of the upcoming plans for Easter:The book and the audiobook are completed and available. A spell …
Dear Members,as announced, we have completed and released the audiobook “CRISIS PARADISE”. We wish you much enjoyment and MAXIMUM SUCCESS!Here …
Organizational Chart
Dear Members,here are the diagrams we discussed today.The final version may differ.Please do not use the old advertisements anymore.Once the funnel…
Reminder / THE HOT SEAT
Dear Members,today at 8:00 PM our usual Live Webinar“THE HOT SEAT – Questions and Answers with the CEO”will take place.In addition to the Q&a…
Book available!
Dear Members,as announced, the book “THE CRISIS PARADISE” is now available again in the marketplace! We wish you lots of enjoyment!Ralf and all…
Book/Dates/Funnel and Ads
Dear Members,we would like to inform you about some important updates:The Book:The book “DAS KRISENPARADIES – Balanced and Solid Through the St…
Analyse 309
Bitcoin has reached $63,600 and $68,900. Now $89,000 is coming.Our data remains accurate. Initially, we expect a downtrend to a Bitcoin price of $5…
Social Media Marketing / Links
Dear Members,to ensure that everyone can easily find the necessary links to the tools for Social Media Marketing in the course “Social Media Mark…
Update 308-1
Due to the currently somewhat excited market situation, bullish momentum has brought us about 8% higher than predicted. I have now taken into accou…