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Dear Members,

After the inspiring webinar on Wednesday, which was full of valuable content and can be found under “Current” in the menu at the top under Videos, I received numerous messages full of great encouragement from you. It fills me with joy and gratitude to receive your positive feedback. Each message is important, valuable, and at the same time, a motivation for me to continue to work hard for you.

Your commitment and interest are the engine of our community. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and participation in our events. Together, we are creating a strong and inspiring community!

Thank you once again for your enthusiasm and trust!

With warm regards,



  1. Sehr gern geschehen Ralf. Ich ahne, wie sehr Du dich für dieses Projekt und für uns ALLE engagierst und ich weiß, daß Du auch viel Gegenwind und auch ( zum Großteil ) unberechtigte, nicht gerade konstruktive, Kritik erhältst und Du dich täglich mit allerlei Spaßvögeln auseinandersetzen musst. Deshalb kann der Zuspruch und das Lob und die Dankbarkeit für Dein Wirken, gar nicht groß genug sein. Muchissimas gracias Ralf [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)̲̅$̲̅]

  2. Ich schließe mich dem DANK an!! Was du hier auf die Beine gestellt hast Ralf, ist so unglaublich das es einem den Atem verschlägt, wenn man nach und nach den Durchblick erhält. Also nochmals Danke an das gesamte Team von T4-Pro!! Meine Hoffnung und Gebete begleiten euch🫶🙏!!

  3. Ja den Dank kann ich nur zurück geben, an Dich und Dein Team, wir alle werden in Zukunft noch was großartiges erleben mit T4pro, da bin ich mir ganz sicher …LG Sigi

  4. Auch ich muss einen großen Respekt erweisen, was da alles ermöglicht wird.
    Viele Grüße aus Niederbayern
    Walter Adrians

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You can invite as many prospects as you’d like every Sunday using our promotional materials or through direct outreach. 

In case of success, you’ll receive a 20% commission for your referral.

We provide you with our complete platform infrastructure, including the continually expanded marketing tools available for free download in the marketplace.

The Kick-Off-4 is valid for a full 3 months! After that, further financing will be from the commissions credited by then, for example, the purchase of Kick-Off-3, 2, or higher.

Protective fee: €50, which includes a short webinar on the next steps, as well as questions and all answers live! Please check the “Webinar Dates” for the schedule.

Provision basis: $25


You can bring in as many potential customers as you like using our promotional materials or direct outreach. If successful, you will receive a 20% commission for your referral.

We provide you with our entire platform infrastructure, including constantly expanding marketing tools available for free download in the marketplace.

Kick-Off-1 is valid for a full 3 months! After that, further financing will be covered by the commissions earned up to that point, such as the trainee monthly fee or the purchase of Kick-Off-2, or higher.

Participation fee: $165

Commission base: $80


Special program for those who don’t have sufficient liquidity for the annual Trainee or Pro membership.

You will receive a T4-Pro Trainee monthly membership with a monthly payment of $165 plus 1 MMP ($220) for 3 months, totaling $715.

The price for this is $500. You save a whopping $215!

Commission basis: $125

You want a T4 Pro Trainee Annual Membership

with a one-time payment of: €1,500 including 1 MMP

We double your MMP to two MMPs! Without any additional costs!

Value: €200!

The price for this is €1,500, which includes an individual coaching session!

Provision basis: $798.75

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T4 Credentials