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Important Announcement!

Trainee “Promo” Upddate

Dear Members,

Starting from February 15, 2024, at 24:00 Berlin time, the Trainee/Year (1,500 $) promo variant will be reduced from 3 MMP to 2 MMP.

This change signifies a doubling for future prospects compared to the standard – a real highlight.

Simultaneously, all existing prospects who are already on board or join in the next two weeks and two Sundays will enjoy a significant advantage if Trainee/Year is the right choice for them.

With 2 levels, they get one-third more thrust at the beginning! A three times thicker ice than with 1 MMP is offered – a crucial factor elaborated in more detail in the Starter Webinars.

So, if there are people in your network whom you believe could be interested in our project and might operate in this price range, NOW is the perfect time to inform them, invite them, and support them during the 3-week process.

It’s a unique opportunity over two Sundays that should not be missed!

We wish you much SUCCESS!

This is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your “Trainee aspirants,” and it won’t come around again so quickly!

Make the most of this opportunity!

With a wink,

Your “Favorite Trainer” Ralf

And all T4-Pro Teams


      1. Hallo Ralf,
        vielen Dank für Deine Nachricht. Am 24.01.2024 habe ich mit der Bestellnummer #71962 schon $150,00 für T4-Prp-Trainee gezahlt, gilt dann auch diese Aktion?
        Walter Adrians

        1. Hallo Walter, das ist keine Aktion, sondern das Ende einer Aktion die den Trainee im Jahres-Abo. betraf/betrifft.
          Du bist Trainee auf Monatsbasis. Dieser hat keine MMP enthalten und muss dazu bestellt/aktiviert werden, wenn gewünscht. Alles klar?

          1. Hallo Ralf, habe heute die 200$ bezahlt für MMP.
            Walter Adrians

    1. Hallo Ralf,
      als Anfänger wäre es mir lieber die lange Variante.
      Walter Adrians

Comments are closed.

You can invite as many prospects as you’d like every Sunday using our promotional materials or through direct outreach. 

In case of success, you’ll receive a 20% commission for your referral.

We provide you with our complete platform infrastructure, including the continually expanded marketing tools available for free download in the marketplace.

The Kick-Off-4 is valid for a full 3 months! After that, further financing will be from the commissions credited by then, for example, the purchase of Kick-Off-3, 2, or higher.

Protective fee: €50, which includes a short webinar on the next steps, as well as questions and all answers live! Please check the “Webinar Dates” for the schedule.

Provision basis: $25


You can bring in as many potential customers as you like using our promotional materials or direct outreach. If successful, you will receive a 20% commission for your referral.

We provide you with our entire platform infrastructure, including constantly expanding marketing tools available for free download in the marketplace.

Kick-Off-1 is valid for a full 3 months! After that, further financing will be covered by the commissions earned up to that point, such as the trainee monthly fee or the purchase of Kick-Off-2, or higher.

Participation fee: $165

Commission base: $80


Special program for those who don’t have sufficient liquidity for the annual Trainee or Pro membership.

You will receive a T4-Pro Trainee monthly membership with a monthly payment of $165 plus 1 MMP ($220) for 3 months, totaling $715.

The price for this is $500. You save a whopping $215!

Commission basis: $125

You want a T4 Pro Trainee Annual Membership

with a one-time payment of: €1,500 including 1 MMP

We double your MMP to two MMPs! Without any additional costs!

Value: €200!

The price for this is €1,500, which includes an individual coaching session!

Provision basis: $798.75

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