Short situation report
Dear members,
The year is coming to an end.
We are working as announced at full speed to make 2023 our START YEAR, to fully integrate the marketing, to optimize hereafter and to enable as soon as possible for ALL, TOP RESULTS.
The book is (in German) content finished and is just edited. It should become available still in the old year. The work on the layout and the cover should be finished at the same time as the editing. As soon as the German version is finished, the English version will be finished.
In parallel, the memberships have to be adapted to the new circumstances and the strategy. They are currently being revised and will soon replace the memberships in the marketplace.
Motto: Less, simpler, clearer.
For existing memberships there will be no negative impact.
For future upgrades, the new memberships and their conditions must apply.
Here it will become clear what great advantages our existing members, that is YOU, have received.
Starting with the (transitional) entry and the more than oversized crediting of the old memberships, as well as for very many the crediting of the investment club balance, as well as the actions started in 2022 “to upgrade at a reduced rate” to secure EPP upgrade share entitlements and likewise to obtain higher positions that serve you today as a highly optimized “starting position”.
We will discuss the details in more detail then, after the implementation.
In the time until the turn of the year we will finish the “Funnel” and activate it in the platform as our new landing page, i.e. our previous page 1 (in front of the door), as well as in parallel we will write the email series and the first “Ads”, i.e. the advertisements, will be finished.
We assume that we will be able to carry out the test runs and after that the “step by step” activation of our marketing concept and make it available for you at the beginning of the year 2023.
We wish you a peaceful 4th Advent, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Ralf Waldenmaier and
Danke danke danke, das hört sich ja hervorragend an! Ich bin echt gespannt auf das Buch, in dt.versteht sich 😉
und auf das, was da jetzt alles noch kommt. ich wünsche auch allen eine besinnliche friedliche und stressfreie Weihnachtszeit sowie das Beste für uns alle für 2023!!
Ganz liebe Grüße aus dem wunderschön verschneiten Lienz in Osttirol und Ski heil 🙂
Vielen lieben Dank und emmer uffbassa!
Vielen Dank für die Info, auch ich bin gespannt. Gleichzeitig möchte ich die Gelegenheit nutzen und allen ein schönes Weihnachtsfest wünschen und alles Gute für 2023. Auch ich hatte ein aufregendes und anstrengendes Jahr 2022 und freue mich auf ein paar ruhige Tage. Herzliche Grüße aus Teneriffa Achim
Danke Achim, herzliche Grüsse zurück!