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Webinar dates

Dear members,

In the “Latest” tab and specifically under “Webinar Schedule” in your dashboard, all regular webinar schedules have been updated!

These include:

  • Starter Webinar for Trainee and Kick-off No. 1-4: every Friday at 8:00 PM
  • Starter Webinar for Pro/Gold/Diamond: every Saturday at 8:00 PM
  • T4 Info Webinar: every Sunday at 8:00 PM

We strongly recommend regular participation, especially now, as there are many new developments and changes discussed in the webinars!

For EVERYONE who has organically invited participants, your own attendance at the Info Webinar is fundamentally IMPORTANT!

Best regards,


With all T4 teams


  1. Das sehe ich grundsätzlich auch so, dass man, wenn man organisch Teilnehmer generiert hat, auch teilnehmen sollte. Nur woher weiß man denn, dass sich jemand fürs Webinar eingeschrieben hat, wenn ich in den sozialen Medien Werbung geschaltet habe und den Link gleich bei der Anzeige dabei habe? Dann meldet sich möglicherweise jemand an und ich weiß es nicht. Mein Vorschlag wäre, die Webinaranmeldungen auch im Dashboard anzuzeigen.

    1. Erst abwarten was wir im Februar bringen! Erstens Webinar MMP und zweitens und vor allem, Kurse zum Thema organisch wachsen ohne Kontakte und ohne Gespräche. Alle Lösungen kommen und zwar in optimaler Weise! Beste Grüsse

      1. Das glaube ich dir sofort! Vielen lieben Dank für dein Engagement!

  2. Hallo Ralf, vielen Dank für die Ankündigung.
    Gruß Walter Adrians

  3. Es ist wirklich sehr wichtig ein gutes Vorbild zu sein! Deshalb sollten wir unbedingt an den Webinaren teilnehmen. Wir werden auch erleben das unsere Partner mit dem Paket starten das wir gewählt haben, natürlich nur wenn Sie sich das leisten können. Die gut betuchten steigen selbstverständlich auch höherpreisig ein.

Comments are closed.

You can invite as many prospects as you’d like every Sunday using our promotional materials or through direct outreach. 

In case of success, you’ll receive a 20% commission for your referral.

We provide you with our complete platform infrastructure, including the continually expanded marketing tools available for free download in the marketplace.

The Kick-Off-4 is valid for a full 3 months! After that, further financing will be from the commissions credited by then, for example, the purchase of Kick-Off-3, 2, or higher.

Protective fee: €50, which includes a short webinar on the next steps, as well as questions and all answers live! Please check the “Webinar Dates” for the schedule.

Provision basis: $25


You can bring in as many potential customers as you like using our promotional materials or direct outreach. If successful, you will receive a 20% commission for your referral.

We provide you with our entire platform infrastructure, including constantly expanding marketing tools available for free download in the marketplace.

Kick-Off-1 is valid for a full 3 months! After that, further financing will be covered by the commissions earned up to that point, such as the trainee monthly fee or the purchase of Kick-Off-2, or higher.

Participation fee: $165

Commission base: $80


Special program for those who don’t have sufficient liquidity for the annual Trainee or Pro membership.

You will receive a T4-Pro Trainee monthly membership with a monthly payment of $165 plus 1 MMP ($220) for 3 months, totaling $715.

The price for this is $500. You save a whopping $215!

Commission basis: $125

You want a T4 Pro Trainee Annual Membership

with a one-time payment of: €1,500 including 1 MMP

We double your MMP to two MMPs! Without any additional costs!

Value: €200!

The price for this is €1,500, which includes an individual coaching session!

Provision basis: $798.75

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